Alexandru Arcus was born in the Moldova Republic in 1986 in Cricova, close to Chisinau, Alexandru Arcus was exposed to music at the early age of eight when he started to study saxophone at the “School of Music and Arts” from his small town, Cricova. One year later he moved to Chisinau where he graduated in 2006 from “Cipian Porumbescu” conservatoire. He had the privilege to become a member of the “Trigon” and “Alex Calncea Band” ethno-jazz groups at the age od 21. Studying casical and jazz saxophone in school and conservatory, he discovered the fantastic world of folklore. Besides saxophone, he plays flute, Bulgariand and Moldavian kaval, fluier, Akai EWI. In his improvisations you can hear a large range of colours, mixing folklore and jazz. Withe “Trigon” group, in collaboratin with “The Shin” (Georgia), and “Valts Puce” groups (Latvia) he took part in the “Port of Cultures” project.
Together with Mark Alban Lotz (Germany / Holland) and Paul Pallessen (Holland) he took part in the project organised by the “Moldova Calls” quartet and octet. Alexandru performed in various countries, among wich Spain, Portugal, Russia, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Ukraine, Netherlands, Romania.

Roots Revival - Verein zur Förderung des musikalischen Welterbes
ZVR-Zahl: 1963335889